At NikeTalk, we believe in using our platform not only to benefit the sneaker enthusiast community but the greater global community of which we are all a part. To that end, we’ve thus far contributed over $397,000 to various nonprofit organizations from our community’s advertising revenues, $27,835 via group fundraising campaigns, and $18,667 from the sale of NikeTalk hats and t-shirts. This month, we’re teaming up with Community Hired and to release NikeTalk baseball caps and t-shirts to benefit the National Immigration Law Center.

As a diverse, international, and youth-oriented online community, we want our chosen charities to reflect the principles on which NikeTalk was established, and the values that permit communities like ours to flourish. We’re grateful for the opportunity to assist respected nonprofit organizations dedicated to education, inclusion, social justice, and ethical global citizenship. The National Immigration Law Center works to protect and secure the rights of immigrants with low income in the United States – a timely and exigent cause of deep personal significance to our team and many of our fellow community members.
Community Hired is as committed to this venture as NikeTalk and worked closely with us to select the beneficiaries for our upcoming merchandise sales. To kick things off, Community Hired’s co-founder personally organized and fulfilled a series of seven pre-release NikeTalk hat auctions, which have already raised over $1,000 for the National Immigration Law Center. To help increase efficiency and reduce the vehicle miles traveled by each item, Community Hired will provide bi-coastal coordinated shipping of our upcoming merchandise along with our sponsors,
Sadly, the political climate in the United States remains such that even something as fundamental to human decency as treating asylum seekers with compassion constitutes a partisan and controversial issue. In attempt to appeal to the broadest possible audience, many companies would thus shy away from taking a stand or choosing a side in any matter deemed potentially sensitive or divisive. In 19 years of operation, NikeTalk has worked with no fewer than seven different hosted service providers. Community Hired is the first and only one to work alongside us as a true and active partner in our charitable fundraising efforts. In a field of tech companies scrambling to cloak their self-serving, amoral operations beneath a cynical veil of altruism, Community Hired stands out for their sincerity.
All communities are built on the notion that we are stronger together than we ever could be as individuals. NikeTalk is stronger thanks to Community Hired. We’re looking forward to a successful fundraising event and excited to see what we can accomplish together in the months and years ahead.
Team NikeTalk
A note from the Community Hired team:
Community Hired’s founding team has personal reasons for their involvement. With one team member being the child of asylum-seekers, this cause is especially meaningful, and we are grateful for the opportunity to build on our partnership with the NikeTalk community through this effort. We look forward to many years of positively impacting the world in any way that we can alongside NikeTalk.